


更新 2024年8月27日



新学校. 新社区. 新朋友群. 新教师. 九年级有很多新东西, 在MHS更是如此, 每年秋天有30到40名九年级学生加入学校,今年有38名来自5个国家和9个州! 那么,36个青少年是如何找到自己的立足点,并从个人走向社区的呢?


部分秘诀在于 外围十大博彩app. 现在已经是第28年了, 学院的标志性服务学习和实习项目为学生提供了发展领导和倡导技能的机会, 探索大学和职业兴趣, 并学习如何影响他们周围的世界. The program builds sequentially each year, 但 it all begins in 9th grade.

“因为九年级是核心的基础学年, there is a focus on personal identity 和 community,外围十大博彩app 翡翠的权力的主管解释道. “我们的目标是在学生进入新学校时提供支持,并促进同学之间的联系, 开始在他们之间建立联系.”

从一开始就如此, 九年级的“地平线”活动在校园内举行, with students participating in workshops 和 projects emphasizing team-building; diversity, 股本, 和 inclusion; health 和 wellness; information literacy; academic skills; 和 leadership.

在1901年的Ara West Grinnell温室和Ruth Milliken Murphy ' 30陶瓷工作室的实践经验被纳入课程. 今年,MHS试点与 女孩了, 一个全球性的领导力发展组织, incorporating 女孩了’s “Leader of Self” curriculum into the 9th-grade experience.

“在9月, the focus is on supporting new students as they settle in, 但, 同时, 他们马上就加入了,” Ms. 力量增加了. “These are all new students, so we meet them where they are, 和 bring them along.”

和 wellness, providing students a foundation in those experiences at MHS. Greenhouse 和 Ceramics work accelerates during second semester, as students prepare for their annual 外围十大博彩app Plant Sale in May.

股本 & 包容

“DE&我在MHS是基于学校的多样性, 股本, 及接纳声明, MHS董事会在2019年确认的, 通过对话练习, 和 in an underst和ing of the “Big 10” social identifiers. 介绍德&在学生早期的学校生活中,从无数的经历来到MHS的学生中建立了社区规范,” notes Dean of 股本 和 包容 Paula Lima Jones.

An overarching theme is that the work is not finite. “建设一个充满活力的多元化, 包容, 和 股本-toward- justice-minded community requires daily practice, 和, 作为我们的DE&“我的陈述指出,‘需要持续的工作,’”院长利马·琼斯(Lima Jones)说&我是协调员金·博兰,94届.

“DE&我的工作是个人的探索和集体的工作,为“共同利益”的利益,’”院长利马·琼斯补充道. “It’s equal parts personal authenticity, self-advocacy (voice), 和 allyship. And, the need to ‘unlearn’ occurs right alongside new learning.”

在此之前,德&I work mostly took place in clubs 和/or after-school activities. In 2017-18, it became more institutionalized 和 incorporated into 外围十大博彩app.

“自2019年宝拉上任以来, 为了让学生们对一些概念有了更多的了解,我们已经对课程进行了调整,” Ms. 博兰解释说. “我们仍然关注主要的社会身份——我们身份的一部分可以影响个人和社区如何在世界上被看待和驾驭——但我们增加了技能建设, moving students beyond dialogue to possible actions they can take.”

Skill-building is a key ingredient, notes Dean Lima Jones. 近年来, students arrive at MHS with higher literacy around gender, 性取向, 和种族. “This is no less true for our current 9th graders,她说。. “They are by 和 large an 包容 和 justice minded group of young people. 特别是九年级的学生,他们还在学习,需要机会来应用他们的知识&我的知识.”


“While students may be able to recognize when a microaggression has occurred, they are less skilled in how to interrupt when it happens,院长利马·琼斯指出. “We emphasize skill-building in self-advocacy 和 allyship. 当同学或成年人在知识和行为上存在差距造成伤害时,我们如何以一种富有同情心的方式参与进来?”

重要的是,德&I work at MHS doesn’t end after 9th grade or take place only during 外围十大博彩app. 它贯穿学生在MHS的整个学习过程,并融入到他们经历的其他部分, 包括课程设置.

健康 & 健康

健康与保健主任克里斯汀·米兰诺为九年级课程带来了一种全面的方法, 基于综合健康模式. 这种方法强调身体健康以及心理和社会情感健康, 因为干扰会影响学生在课堂内外的参与度.

“我们以‘健康之轮’开始了第一堂课,并指出了健康和健康的不同方面,” Ms. 米兰解释说, referring to a model that considers eight aspects of wellness: social, 物理, 情感, 占领, 精神上的, 知识, 环境, 和金融.

“The curriculum starts with adjusting to a new school, 如何与他人沟通, 包括室友, 同行, 和成人,女士说。. 米兰. “我们讨论如何识别健康的关系,以及如何在健康的关系中发挥作用.”

The 14-week program launched in September 和 ran through December. Topics covered include sexuality education 和 reproduction, 预防教育和风险意识, 药物使用和滥用, 心理健康, 健康地使用社交媒体, 身体形象.

“今年, 我们还进行了扩展课程,更深入地讨论了友谊和同伴关系, 和 how we can participate in a healthy way with those, 和 how to approach conflict management when it is needed,” Ms. 米兰补充道.

最终, 目标是为学生提供足够的信息,以便在需要时做出明智的决定,并根据现实场景练习决策.

“我希望学生们在离开时能够意识到,当他们有机会做出影响他们福祉的决定时, 他们可以做出健康的决定, based on information in the course 和 discussions we’ve had,” Ms. 米兰补充道. “I always tell them I am here to empower them with information, 事实, 和理解, 但不是告诉他们该怎么做.”


Second semester in the Ceramics Studio resembles a work bee. 学生处于“生产模式”,” creating 和 assembling components for flower pots, while Ceramics Teacher Gary Grosenbeck troubleshoots. The spring is all about preparing for the 外围十大博彩app Plant Sale, 但这项工作从秋天开始, with students learning their way around the studio. 他们从制作马克杯开始.

今年,学生们制作了120多个马克杯,以纪念该校125周年校庆. Each is h和- stamped, offering room for creative expression 和 project ownership. 这些马克杯被捐赠给MHS餐厅. 在学年结束时,毕业生们会带上一张,作为他们在MHS度过的日子的有形纪念.

“The fall is a community project,” Gary explains, “with benefactors. 我们还连接了类. The spring focus is on the Plant Sale 和 generating proceeds for the class. The fall is about good people taking care of each other.”

Fall studio sessions are less frequent, interspersed with DE&I,健康和保健,以及其他地平线工作. Come second semester, students switch to production. “我们像工厂生产线一样建立起来, 轧制板坯, 切割形式, 纹理, 折叠起来, 添加的底部, 玻璃,加里说。. “During the semester, students get experience in all these steps.”

The goal is to work as a group, not as individuals.

“我们试图让他们考虑集体,而不是个人,”加里补充道. “They’re laughing, talking, having fun, 和 I hope they build a sense of community. 我也希望他们能与作品产生联系,并对手工制作的物品产生共鸣, 所以在未来, they buy pots from potters 和 to support other artisans.”


It’s hard to beat the Greenhouse in the dark days of winter. 一个温暖的, 邀请空间, the vibe is peace 和 calm — exactly as Greenhouse Manager Marian Rutledge intends.

“在过去的几年里,我们已经改变了一些温室的工作,包括更多的社会情感学习, 尤其是在秋天,她说。. Rutledge, who added mindfulness to the community-building taking place. “其中一些来自COVID, 对学生来说,这是一个非常具有挑战性的时期, 和 some of it comes from an underst和ing of the importance of self-care.”

在温室里的星期三可以从冥想开始,包括关于个人和团体兴趣的对话, 价值观和目标, 以及元认知技能的培养, 包括自我意识. Ms的一部分. 拉特利奇的使命是解决自然缺失症——与自然的脱节在年轻一代中尤为明显.

“We want to make sure students are in touch with the natural world,” Ms. Rutledge explains, “especially on an 80-acre campus. 我们花时间思考我们可以为自然世界做出贡献的方式,以及我们如何应对目前正在发生的环境危机.”

去年, 学生们组织了地球日游行, 开了一个校园果园, 和 made consciousness-raising signs for their plant sale.

As with ceramics, fall work is interspersed with other 外围十大博彩app obligations. 春天万物都热起来了, 当学生选择种子时, 播种, 移植苗, 和 care for the plethora of plants that will be up for sale. By semester’s end, the plants aren’t the only things that have grown, notes Ms. Rutledge说,他看到学生们从被动的立场转变为主动承担任务.

她指出:“他们注意到需要做什么,看到代理机构的增加真的很酷。. “The ultimate goal is to have them operate as a team, 不仅仅是为他们的班级赚钱, 但 also working together in pursuit of the common good.”


Ninth-grade 外围十大博彩app has long been rooted in community 和 the Greenhouse Project, 虽然新作品- DE&I, the Mug Project, 和 others — have been added. Media literacy 和 study skills round out the program, 和女孩了的经历, 由英语老师丽贝卡·库克-杜宾主持, 这项工作仍在进行中, Ms. 权力的笔记.

“总是有创新的空间,即使是在我们现有的坚实的、可持续的项目中,她说。, 注意到九年级为个人发现和主动性奠定了框架,同时也将学生彼此联系起来. “我们支持他们从更大的角度来了解自己与领导力的关系,以及他们在正规博十大app排名学院的发展道路上所能产生的影响, 无论是在地平线还是在地平线之外.”

翡翠, 她也是九年级的地平线顾问和班级协调员-她花了很多时间和九年级学生在一起! -从多个角度看待旅程.



“All of these students are navigating high school for the first time, 和 they are also navigating what it means to be a Miss Hall’s student,她说。. “他们是如此渴望学习,有如此大的潜力,道路还没有为他们决定. 他们在自己选择的道路上拥有代理权, 和 we get to support them in what inspires them to act. So much of the ‘Miss Hall’s Magic’ is yet to be discovered with them.”


“地平线”是正规博十大app排名标志性的服务学习和实习项目,目前已进入第28个年头. It provides pathways to student success: leadership skills, 创造机遇的经验, 和 real-life opportunities at more than 75 professional offices, 企业, 非营利组织, 以及伯克郡的艺术组织. 这些经历使正规博十大app排名的学生在申请大学和继续改变世界的过程中脱颖而出.